Daily Archives: April 5, 2007

I’ve got a new car!!!

wordpress-background-excite.jpgSitting in PCJ (Port City java) this morning, I was fascinated. The barister (person who makes the coffee) was telling everyone that “I’ve got a new car! I’m so excited!” I heard her describing the process to every customer that walked in. Unashamedly. Proudly. Pointing it out to folks, telling them it was sitting on the backside of the parking lot so “no one would ding it.”

“It has child-safe seats…I now have a big car payment…it’s an ’03 SUV…” She repeated the same thing, over and over again. I heard it so many times I felt like I had bought the car!

Several were not interested. All expressed a “congratulations.” Several wanted more details.

We’re all like that. Something new, big, exciting drops into our lives and we just have to tell everyone, even if they could care less. We may not be as excited as the barister was this morning, but excited we can be — and we express it.

Of course that got me to ruminating . . .

What is it that our faith doesn’t have? Why doesn’t it bring about this same response in us? Ever thought about that? We are basically rather “ashamed” of our belief in this Jesus fellow, aren’t we? The idea of telling friends or strangers about it makes us feel rather vomitous (is that a word?) and we avoid it as though it were genital herpes.

Could it be that this faith of ours really isn’t? Or could it be that we really don’t understand the implications of it?

Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”
                                                                                               —Luke 11:35-36

Joe’s “Must Read” Blogs 3

Another Portuguese site (sorry, but it is one of the primary blogs I read 🙂 ). Thiago Bomfim dos Santos is the man behind the keyboard who writes this fascinating blog. iPodJesus deals with music, media, technology and culture (especially Brasilian) from the perspective of the public Christian. It is based on the concept “If Jesus was walking around on the earth today, and had an iPod, what would he be listening to?” If you can read Portuguese, you will not be disappointed!

How to Change the World (Guy Kawasaki)
Guy was the Apple Macintosh evangelist back in the late 80’s and is inextricably painted with the Apple brush. “I love the Internet because I wake up every day and discover something cool.” Entertaining and useful.

Strange Maps
I don’t know exactly what it is about this blog that grabs my attention, but it certainly does. Just like it’s name says, it presents strange maps. I guess it reminds me of Ripley’s Believe it or Not pieces from my childhood. It doesn’t overwhelm you — maybe a post per week. You can spend an hour in the archives with  no problem!

Perry Noble
Aaah, one of the best for last. Perry is the pastor of the fast-growing NewSpring Church in Anderson, S.C. The man has a dream, a vision and a passion. He strikes the perfect chord with me and I sincerely antecipate his posts. Not for the faint of heart — he gives “Christianity” a refreshing new presentation.

There you have it, my top 10. I hope it has been useful and broadens your perspective a bit.