Daily Archives: April 3, 2007

Joe’s “Must Read” Blogs 1

Read this before reading this post.

Jeff Kapusta
I’ll admit upfront that I am biased about this blog. Jeff is just a teenager youngster wet-behind-the-ears thirty-something pastor who doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. And, I say that proudly! Don’t let his much-younger-than-he-looks appearance deceive you. This fellow has a passion that is contagious. He readily admits that he’s as surprised as everyone else that God has chosen him to plant a church in Wilmington, but he is so consumed by the vision that he bleeds Lifepoint if you cut him.

What you read is what he is. He writes like he lives, and preaches. That upsets some and electrifies others. What you’ll find in his blogs is a refreshing perspective on the walk of a Jesus follower. You won’t find how to be a better Christian. The two aren’t necessarily the same in Jeff’s world.

Because of my bias, I’ll put Jeff in the number 1 spot on my list. The rest are not in any particular order, other than they are in my top 10. I check them daily.

Gary Lamb
Gary is the pastor of the Canton, GA Ridge Stone Church. Gary has to grow on you. He is brash, aggressive, and completely transparent. One of the things I like about his blog is that he blogs often. Many times 4-5 times in one day. They are always short. He wears his passion on his sleeve and it becomes contagious. You can’t read him continually without getting charged up. Highly recommended.


I read blogs.

There, I’ve finally admitted it. I feel better now. 🙂

I was chatting with a friend last night (hi Esther!) and she was telling everyone about the joys she discovered about blogging. Seems she got hooked during our trip to Brasil back in January. She started reading our daily updates from Brasil and felt like a participant in our adventures.

She recounted how she arrived at Lifepoint on that first Sunday when Pastor Jeff wasn’t there to preach (because he was in Brasil)  and was excitedly telling everyone how we had “gone dark.” She was absolutely giddy in telling the reaction of everyone!

That is what can happen when you enter blogdom.

I intentionally limit my consumption. I could easily become a blog glutton. I actually blog in two languages, so it could really get out of hand quickly if I didn’t watch it. My limit is 20 currently. After reading a post by Gary Lamb, I’m considering using his tactic and increasing it to 30.

My advice: if you jump into the deep end of the blogging pool and start reading multiple blogs daily, get a “reader.” A reader allows you to see new posts to any number of blogs at once. You don’t have to go to each individual blog to check it for updates. Google has a free one that is simple — I use it. Check it out here. Since everyone doesn’t post daily, you can follow multiple blogs and not be overwhelmed. It’s kind of like going to a buffet — you can pick and choose what you want.

I have people asking me what I read. So, in the event that someone might find this interesting, I’m going to give you a short list of what I look forward to reading daily. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go into all 20. I’ll give you my “top 10” list in a couple of bit size blogs.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading!