Category Archives: Blogging

Like yesterday… gone

If you’re looking for me here, all you will find are vestiges of the past.

As of December 6, 2009, I’m now frolicking at my new location:

Come join me in the present!

Black Friday


I meant to be up at 3:00 a.m. to make the 4:00 a.m. Black Friday opening of the stores this morning.

Now my whole Christmas is ruined…



This space has served me well.

Having no clue what the word “blog” even meant three years  and over 1200 posts ago, WordPress has made it extremely easy to delve into the wonders of online thought-casting.

I’ve known for a while that I needed to graduate to a more robust platform but have delayed doing so. I’ve enjoyed riding my spider bike! But, with all the changes swirling around me, I’m in need of a knarley Harley.

So, I’m in the process for prepping new space. By the time I head to Brazil before Christmas, will be live and will take over the responsibilities from The new site is up and is mirroring this one. If you subscribe, you may want to go ahead and make the change. The new site will still see multiple changes before the official switch, but it is fully active now.

I’ll warn you a couple of times over the next few weeks.

I can’t afford to lose both of my readers (thanks mom and dad!).

Confused or Bewildered?

In looking at my statistics today, I saw that one of the primary search terms on Google that bring folks to this site is “bewildered.”

I think that’s rather appropriate.

Up periscope

Maybe I should at least occasionally put in a random post when I seemingly “go dark” for no particular reason.84872174

Thank you for being so concerned! Just incredibly busy to the point of being overwhelmed from waking til sleeping. I see light at the end of the tunnel. As always, I’ve got lots to say, just having difficulty being able to sit down to have time to pen it (or type it).

As my buddy Bob always says, “so, what is the ‘therefore’ ” from this note:

Be careful of the man who is silent!

What Jesus meant to say…

I was toying with a topic the other day when a blog that I follow popped up that had already dealt with the same issue.

Joey Shaw over at (good blog Joey! Go check him out!) posted “5 Common Great Commission Myths.” While I’m not going to reproduce it here (though it is a temptation!), his main points were:

Myth #1: Accidental discipleship — simply “doing life” with others is the way to make disciples: “If they ask me, I’ll tell them.”

Myth #2: Crossing cultures is a step beyond the general mandate, i.e., only select missionaries are called to cross cultures in order to make disciples.

Myth #3: Jesus wants converts.

Myth #4: When I am ready and able, I will start making disciples.

Myth #5: Making disciples is great advice.

Who’s following YOU on Twitter?

I must be putting out some really interesting stuff on Twitter!

Jesus on Twitter

Jesus, Twitter and the Devil

rbrb_2790Isn’t the explosion of social media entertaining!

Just in case you didn’t notice, that was an exclamation, not a question.

Why is it that we give all the good stuff to the bad guys? If we come from a church background, everything has to have some rule, regulation or negative connotation attached to it. The end result is that we aren’t allowed to enjoy nor utilize for the Kingdom’s sake, the “good stuff.”

The line of reasoning goes that if “the Enemy” is doing it, “we” shouldn’t be.

Where did THAT come from?

In Ubaúna recently I was told that evangelical churches in the area were “madder than wet hens” about our logo on our church buildings. When I inquired why, I was told it was because we had a depiction of a cross in the logo. “Evangelical churches don’t do that!” I was informed, “only Catholic Churches do!”

That got me to thinking, what else might we do that these so-called harbingers of the good news don’t do that could show the community we really do love them and aren’t anything like the religious naysayers.

But, what does that have to do with Twitter, the Devil and Jesus.

I’ve read more posts and articles on the evils of Twitter than I care to admit. One preacher fellow was condemning anyone in Christendom who dared twitter during a sermon, even if telling someone about the sermon, straight to hell. One well-know preacherman wrote a very long piece on why he was going to sparingly use Twitter even though it was the Devil’s tool. Yet another was ranting and raving how we could only “preach Jesus” and quote scripture on Twitter; anything else came from Satan.

Wow! Some of these fellows need to get a hobby.

My two-cents worth: how ’bout I give a peephole to folks who may or may not know who Jesus is through what I put out in 140 characters or less. The neat thing is that no one can even read what you write unless they CHOOSE to follow you. So, either you’ve said something that they’ve found intriguing, they think you’re interesting in real life and want to hear more from you or they’re brown-nosers who want to impress you. Kinda hard to go wrong with choices one and two.

So, though Twitter may be a “tool of the Devil,” I think I’ll polish it up and use it to give a touch of glory to Jesus…

Old jackass

The brain is definitely tired today.

I just referred to myself as an “old jackass” in a text message. Better yet I included my buddy Heino Chemist under the same blanket and my pastor‘s dad as well.

Perhaps I should call it a day before my queen decides she likes the term and applies it to me as well…

Plenty of fodder, but no manure

Ever been so busy that you leave the house using the same underwear you’d used the day before?Bull

You feel rather sheepish when it dawns on you (and, yes, I’ve done that!).

That’s what I feel like at the moment. I’ve got more thoughts in draft form for blogs than I have finished pieces. I also have NO time to rectify my dilemma at the moment.

If I could only get away…