Daily Archives: November 6, 2008

Forty-nine percent

Forty-nine percent of the New Testament contains references to spiritual (non-rational) experiences. That means if we are bound by rationalism we will effectively throw away half of New Testament Christianity.

For example, I can learn that Jesus loves me (can’t you just hear the song in your mind?). However, love is not a rational experience. If I never experience his touching my heart with that love, healing my hurts, breaking my hardness, I will never experience it. It is non-rational.

It is only when he fills me to overflowing, brings tears of joy to my eyes, touches me intimately, that I experience him in an intuitive, spiritual, non-rational, way. It is then that I fully experience the love I’ve learned about rationally.

But spirit-to-Spirit encounters with God have become far too rare in Western Christianity.

I wonder why…

Like eunuchs discussing the Kama Sutra

Came across a great quote the other day. An individual was discussing politics and liked our banter on what should and shouldn’t be “like eunuchs discussing the Kama Sutra.”

Very appropriate.

But, it also got me to thinking about what we call “church.”

We sit around and pontificate about “church,” what it is and what it isn’t. My flavor is better than your flavor; our way is more right than your way; my pastor can beat up yours.

The world sits on the sidelines and snickers.

Or vomits.

Could it be that as we hate our brothers and slay the sinners that we have become “like eunuchs discussing the Kama Sutra?”

Just wondering…